06-12-2014 - 09-12-2014

Pest Control CAMP ON 6.12.2014 (Project 13) i)Name of the Projects and avenue of work: Pest Control in Slum Area. on 6th December 2014 Venue- Vaveghar Zopad patti,School Premises At. Vaveghar Patalganga,Tal. Panvel ii) Need Assessment: This is slum area of Patalganga belt. mix community below poverty level civil labours, & casual workers are living in this area hence, totally dirty area iii) iii) Beneficiaries: All families living in that area iv) Number of Rotarians participated and involved: 6 Rotarians, v) Other participant institutions (NGOs, Govt. and /or Non Govt. Agencies, Individuals etc): Apali samajik Sanstha of Vaveghar VI) Cost of the Projects and resources engaged: Rs.25000/-(4000.00 Apali Samajik +12000.00Club+4000.00 Rtn. Ganesh Vartak Rs. 6000.00 by Rtn.Milind Bhagat) vii) Sustainability: By doing this project atleast we can protect all families from Dengue, Malaria & other decease. A strong message will be given to community. Gram Panchyat is not sound for pest control. viii) Enhancement of Public Image and publicity in Community: Publicity with the of Posters, Banners and Advertisements in local news papers IX) Total Beneficiary: 870 Nos. Zopad Pattis, Small houses, School . & entire community living in this area

Project Details

Start Date 06-12-2014
End Date 09-12-2014
Project Cost 25000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 870
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Apali Samajik Social Forum Vaveghar.
Project Category Disease prevention and treatment